Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Persecution of Christians Comes To America

I came across this article about Kurt Beathard losing his job over his Christian world view this morning. We all know that the advent of national politics injected into sports has turned the entertainment sector into a dumpster fire. Right now, football has borne the brunt because of the publicity around Colin Kaepernick. However, I expect the rest of the sports entertainment industry to follow suit in the near future. Professional basketball seems to be willing to carry the momentum forward, and it is a matter of time before baseball picks it up.

Black Lives Matter, whose leaders have admitted to being trained Marxists, In a previous iteration of their website, they promoted the dissolution of traditional nuclear families, a foundational tenet of orthodox Christianity. While the page included references to parents and mothers, it purposely left out the concept of fathers. Why? Because in Western culture, the father is the traditional authority figure in the family. They have since deleted the page containing that dyscivic idea.

For Marxists, government is god, and the god they believe in is a collectivist, one-size-fits-all god. And one size fits all unless you are one of the leaders, in which case you are a god yourself. Marxists do not want any other authority figure other than themselves. And if you don't recognize them as the highest authority figure in your life, then they will make your life miserable. If they let you live.

So, how are these things related? Good question. The answer is simple. BLM and most other organizations with leftist notions are anti-Christian, that is to say, if not complete atheists, they are not devoted followers of the almighty God. Consequently, they are enemies of God. And as enemies of God, they will persecute those who are followers of God. Kurt Beathard's story is a harbinger of things to come, unless divine intervention turns things around. 

Let us pray that God will raise up good men to stand up to evil in the coming battle. The time may come when we must beat our plowshares into swords and our pruning hooks into spears. And while physical battle is always a possibility, our greatest weapon is prayer.

This is no time for fence sitters.

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Drug War Is Lost. Get Over It.

 So, I was visiting a friend in a real swanky part of town last week. When I say swanky, I mean a part of town where the houses start for sale at US$ 3,000,000. The way my friend's house is situated on his street is so that when we are sitting around his patio table, we have a view of the entire front yard of one of his neighbors, who happens to be a very elderly man who requires a walker to get around.

While we were on the patio, sipping our mimosas, a late model Camaro with a slightly too loud exhaust system pulled up in front of the elderly man's home and tooted its horn. The driver was a young black fellow that I would estimate to be in his early 20s.

The elderly man came out the front door and doddered down to the street on his walker. He had a short conversation with the driver of the Camaro, handed a few bills to him, and received, from the driver, what appeared to be a half-quart clear plastic bag of something resembling marijuana. The elderly man turned around and headed back to his front door while the Camaro pulled away from the curb and left the vicinity.

This scenario typifies the retail drug trade today in America. Illicit drugs are no longer only sold in the seedy parts of downtown by seedy looking characters to seedy looking customers. Access to recreational drugs had become ubiquitous. The only way to get caught is to be wasted or to be really, really stupid.

While I am against the killing of unborn children, if recreational drug users could get organized, they should adopt the abortion slogan, "My body, my choice." By doing so, they would conflate recreational drug use with an already court-sanctified legal activity and bring some positive momentum to fighting the government suppression of recreational drug use. 

I am not advocating recreational drug use. I don't use recreational drugs myself, and I find incredible the number of people who do. However, it is my considered opinion that the illegality of drugs causes way more problems than the drugs themselves. Governments in America at all levels have invested way too many taxpayer dollars in militarizing police forces in the so-called "war on drugs". Civil liberties have been thrown under the bus in this unnecessary "war", with non-knock warrants, invasive searches, and civil asset forfeiture. Innocent people, including babies, have been maimed or killed in the name of keeping us safe from those bad drugs. The SJW practice of swatting would not be possible were it not for the government infrastructure related to the war on drugs. And the number of raids gone bad due to the lack of corroboration by police where innocents have been killed is heartbreaking. And because the drugs are illegal, in many cases, it drives the consumers of the drug to crime because they have no other avenue to feed the addiction.

It's time to end the war, or at least call a truce. It would be much cheaper to give the people who want help the help they need, and for those that don't want help, well, at the risk of sounding callous, that is  a self-correcting problem.

Monday, September 21, 2020

The Prez & SCOTUS

Ruth Ginsburg, the Supreme Court justice, has passed away. She was a victim of terminal cancer for close to 21 years. That she hung on as long as she did was admirable. Her philosophy on justice in America, not so much.

With her death, the president has indicated that he will appoint a replacement. The screeching from the usual suspects was deafening. Leftist twitterati threaten rebellion and civil war. Nancy Pelosi, current Speaker of the House, has threatened impeachment. Seriously?? They are going to go after the president for doing his job?

Here is what the US Constitution has to say about the issue:

The president shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States.

I have no doubt that the opposition party will attempt to block the process. But, let's be clear about who is protecting the Constitution here. It is not Pelosi. It is not the Democratic leadership in the Senate. It is not the leftist pundits on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

To show you how unhinged these people are, take some time to watch this.

Millennial Leftist Suffers Trump Derangement Syndrome


Utah Senator Mitt Romney (R) announced on Tuesday that he would support a floor vote on President Trump's Supreme Court pick - giving Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) a 53-seat majority and the votes needed to move forward in replacing the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to Politico.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Boomers haven't been kind to America. Historically, they are the largest demographic group of native-born Americans. They had the opportunity and the wealth to ensure that America would continue to be the greatest, most productive, most libertarian country for centuries to come. They squandered that opportunity and a whole lot of that wealth.

To be fair, the groundwork for the failures that the Boomers would preside over was laid long they were born. A flurry of not very well thought out constitutional amendments were passed a half century before the Boomers could ride a bicycle. A four-term president ushered collectivism into the federal government about the time their parents' hormones went into overdrive. Heck, the immigration floodgates were opened wide while most of them were still in high school. Even so, they did nothing to reverse the trends, and, in many cases, they accelerated the trends. 

Why didn't they confront the deconstruction of America?

Boomers have been accused of being extremely self-centered. It's true, and they are. They are often referred to as "the Me generation." They were the beneficiaries of post-war industrialization and the attendant wealth and leisure that came with it. Birth control and abortion happened on their watch. They grow up with cheap energy and a rapidly expanding economy. By all accounts, they had it easier than any other generation in modern history. Maybe this is the reason they let the country go to hell in a hand basket.

I like to think it was something more fundamental. I think that, as a generation, they took Western Civilization for granted. And by that, I mean that they turned their backs on the foundation of Western Civilization, Christianity. They bought into scientism. Scientism replaced religion, or more accurately, became the new religion. As a wise man recently said, "Science is now the opiate of the masses."

There is a lot of whining and complaining about Boomers by subsequent generations these days. To them, I would say, repent and turn to God. If you can't see yourself doing that, then don't be antagonistic towards God. If you want to return to what the nation was like pre-Boomer, then you must support its civic foundation. Hate on Boomers all you want. I'm a Boomer and I hate them. But use your energy to turn things around, Boomers are dying off in large numbers now. They won't be around much longer. Use your time and energy to right the wrongs and rebuild a once great civilization.

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Trickle in the Dike

 I have not written in quite a while. I have been distracted with life things and have not kept up with writing about the trials and tribulations of Western Civilization. 

A lot has happened in the year, 2020 Anno Domini. We saw the fall of the Russia hoax that was used to foment the unsuccessful soft coup of the legally elected government of the United States of America. We saw the either intended or unintended release of an obviously engineered virus by communist China, which made millions ill, and exacerbated the conditions of millions more, accelerating their deaths. We saw insane reactions by governments to the virus outbreak which turned civilization on its head with lockdowns and restrictions. And, most recently, we are seeing social upheaval, particularly in the United States, which was triggered by the death of a drug addict who had overdosed and was subsequently taken into the custody of a local police department, under the theory that certain ethnic groups do not get fair treatment from society in a systemic fashion.

Where is all this going?

I don't know, and I would hesitate to speculate on the future. But there are things that we know to be true. There are forces at work fomenting upheaval of the status quo. The main political parties in the USA no longer have the best interests of the people at heart. Oligarchs are buying influence within all levels of government in the East and the West. Economies are being manipulated and wealth is being concentrated. Flagrant propaganda is being held up as truth.

None of these things is positive for the common man. There is no sign of any of these things letting up. This could be the new normal for the foreseeable future.

So, how are you coping?