Vivian Norris wants women in Texas to stop having sex with men who do not support late term abortion. She thinks that this will change mens' minds about the issue. The Texas legislature was very close to criminalizing late-term abortions in the state, and the measure was only defeated by a last minute filibuster by pro-abortion state senators. The legislation would also require abortion mills to be certified medical facilities, which to anyone but a pro-abortion advocate would seem to be common sense.
What Vivian does not realize is that there are men who can think logically and remove emotion from arguments. She bases her justification for withholding sex on a woman's right to have dominion over her body. But this is just a fallacious argument.
Here is the problem with the argument: Women don't have rights and dominions over their own bodies. Neither, for that matter, do men.
If a woman decides to ingest cocaine into her body, and she is caught by the authorities, she will be incarcerated. If she decides to inject heroin and is caught, she will be incarcerated. She cannot sell a kidney for profit. She cannot rent out her vagina for profit.
So, I am calling BS on this "right and dominion" argument. Furthermore, the "product of conception" has its own unique DNA. It is not part and parcel of the woman's body. What about its "right and dominion"?
This discussion was spawned by late term abortions. Late term abortions = viable babies. Following this logic, if the baby is viable, what meaning does passing through the birth canal have? If the only difference between an abortable baby and a child is passing through the birth canal, why not legalize post-partum abortions. If a new mom doesn't think she can handle her newborn, should she be allowed to "abort" it? After all, the only difference between it and a late term aborted baby is that it travelled about 8 inches through a vagina.
Let's be intellectually honest here. The issue is not about women's bodies. It is about the power over life and death of a human who may become an inconvenience.
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